Posts Tagged: ‘use of robots for disaster response’

Excellent final review of TRADR

23 March, 2018 Posted by tradr_admin

The FP7 TRADR project held its final review meeting at an industrial site in Mestre, Italy, under the great hospitality of the Comando Provinciale Venezia Vigili del Fuoco on 21-22 March 2018. The review was attended by the EC Project Officer, three external reviewers and representatives from all the eleven partners of the TRADR consortium. More than 30 members of the large TRADR team participated to the meeting and contributed to the success of the project.

The very tight agenda contained presentations of the scientific results/achievements and three integrated demonstration sessions in which the functionalities of the TRADR integrated system were showcased in action operated by firefighters in an industrial-incident response mission (this video gives an impression of the demonstration scenario).

The reviewers and the project officer gave overwhelmingly positive final feedback on the excellent S&T progress achieved in the project and its impact. They praised the close collaboration with the end users and their active involvement and contributions throughout the project. The TRADR consortium in its turn was grateful for the constructive feedback it had been receiving from the reviewers and the support from the Project Officer.


Big thanks to everyone who has contributed

to the success and excellence of the TRADR project!!!


Presentation at CTIF Delegates Assembly & Symposium, Sep 8-9 2016 in Helsinki

10 September, 2016 Posted by tradr_admin


On Sep 9 2016 the TRADR coordinator I. Kruijff-Korbayova gave an invited talk about robot-assisted disaster response in Helsinki at the Delegates Assembly & Symposium of CTIF, the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services.  CTIF was founded in 1999 as an international professional firebrigade competency network for encouraging and promoting co-operation among fire fighters and other experts in fire and rescue. It has members from 36 countries around the world.  Its work is organized by commissions which set up working groups on specific themes.

I. Kruijff-Korbayova is a member of the CTIF commission on Extrication and New Technology, which she has been invited to join after her invited talk at the International Conference of CTIF  on December 9 2015 at the Italian Firebrigade Academy (Istituto Superiore Anticendi, ISA) in Rome (see an earlier post). The commission for Extrication and New Technology was established in 2013 to work on standards in order to be able to harmonise information and training for the rescue services.

The presentation was part of the CTIF Symposium on”Responding to the Unexpected” and featured the results of the NIFTi and TRADR projects, including the recent success of the TRADR deployment in Amatrice, Italy, destroyed by a devastating earthquake on August 24 2016. The presentation was met with great resonance from the representatives of fire and rescue services, and many expressed interest to further explore the use of robots to support disaster response. TRADR will continue to strengthen the collaboration with these organizations.