Amatrice Datasets
[Bag files] [Mission Description]
The Italian town Amatrice with a population of 2640 was almost totally devastated by the earthquake that hit on August 24, 2016 v 3:56 a.m.. ( Rescue efforts are lead by the Italian fire fighters (Vigili del Fuoco), which is also one of the twelve partners of our EU project TRADR-Project. After the first phase of seeking human victims, Vigili del Fuoco requested the assistance of TRADR to help assess the degree of damage of the two churches San Francesco and San Agostino. The TRADR team had two UGVs, two bigger UAVs “AscTec Falcon” and one smaller UAV “DJI Phantom 5”.
In the following, we provide two different datasets, one from the San Francesco Church and another from the San Agostino Church.
San Francesco Dataset
The team first surveyed the San Francesco church. Two UGVs (role names UGV 1 and UGV 2 respectively) cooperated there. They drove into the church through a small opening on the church side, and explored the inside of the church out of line-of-sight of the operators. One UAV flew in using the circular opening on the front church facade. This UAV provided an overview of the environment, to further guide the UGV operators. To assure maximum safety, the robot was slowly teleoperated through the church, no autonomy used.
The main goal of the UGV1 was recording data for 3D models both with laser scanner and RGB-D camera. The RGB-D camera(ASUS XTION) showed USB connection problems. We solved the problem then. After some robot bumps, first the laser stopped working and then the servos too. We did not have any remote reset capability. RGBD camera dataset was successfully collected at last.
The main goal of the UGV2 was recording data for 3D models, done by recording laser scanner pointclouds from multiple points in the church, recording PTZ images while sweeping the view along the walls.
The UAV Phantom provides visual sensor data and gives an overview of the operational environment.
San Agostino Dataset
The second church Sant Agostino was inspected in the afternoon. The mobile ground robots (role names UGV 1 and UGV 2 respectively) were unable to drive into this church. They mapped the exterior. Meanwhile, the smaller Phantom (role name UAV 3) drone flew into the church using the opening created by the partly collapsed roof. The two Falcon drones (role names UAV 1 and UAV 2 respectively) were used to provide the Phantom pilot with the necessary visual feedback, while he explored the inside of the church (out of line-of-sight).
The task assignment for the UGV 1 and UGV 2 stayed the same. The UGV 1 was aimed to acquire data with laser scanner and RGB-D camera.
The laser scanner of the UGV 1 was not working. The CANbus problem occurred during the mission. We tried to collect data with the ASUS XTION mounted on the UGV 1 but it didn’t work very well under the outdoor illumination condition.
The goal of the UGV 2 was recording pointclouds with the laser scanner. All three UAVs provided visual sensor data.