TRADR Year 2 Review in Dortmund, Germany

16 March, 2016 Posted by tradr_admin

The TRADR Year 2 review took place in Dortmund (Germany) on Wednesday March 16 and Thursday March 17. On Wednesday the consortium presented its scientific results and on Thursday we demonstrated the integrated system at Phönix Phönix West, an abandoned furnace. The integrated system showcased Y2 work, with emphasis on persistence. The demonstration mission was carried out by a team consisting of a mission commander, a team leader, two UGVs each with an operator and one UAV with an operator and a pilot. One of the UGVs had a camera-equipped arm. The human team members operated remotely from a command truck, except for the UAV pilot in line of sight. The team assessed a part of the building, searched for victims and sources of potentially dangerous materials. The UAV was used for initial overview and subsequent search on the outside, the UGVs explored multilevel terrain inside, partially obstructed by smoke. Main focus was on acquiring and sharing situation awareness among team members across multiple sorties and across team shifts. The robots mapped the environment, provided a video feed and were used to take photos. The human team members were equipped with interfaces presenting them information according to their role(s). Team communication and information about the progress of the mission were collected and accessible in a mission reporting tool. We demonstrated various partial autonomy features designed to facilitate the human operators’ task, including terrain profile estimation from interoceptive sensing, adaptive traversability to automatically control the UGV flippers, a novel free-look control mode for the UGV, virtual bumpers on the UAV. Finally, a mixed-initiative path planning approach and a novel mapping framework designed to support persistence and decrease computational load were also presented. The overall progress of the project was evaluated by the predicate “very good”.

TRADR team at Exercise Unified Response in London

4 March, 2016 Posted by tradr_admin

Several members of the TRADR team participated as observers at the Exercise Unified Response in London, March 1-4.

It was a large scale training exercise taking place at several sites in and around London, involving about 70 agencies and disaster response teams not only from London Firebrigade, but also international help from Italy, Cyprus and Hungary.  The exercise simulated a building collapse over the Waterloo underground station in central London. The scenario was built in a disused power station in Dartford, Kent.  We got really good insight, especially at the various higher levels, what a response to such a serious incident involves. It was also extremely valuable to see such a complex scenario from close up and see the immense activity of the responders, the higher  levels of tactical and strategic command and many of the other actors involved in the response.Last but not least, there were aspects of the evaluation worth taking inspiration from.


POSTPONED: Save the date: Industry Day 2016, April 13th, at Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund

12 February, 2016 Posted by tradr_admin




On behalf of the consortium of the European  project TRADR (Long-Term Human-Robot Teaming for Robot Assisted Disaster Response) and of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) projcet InventAIRy we would like to announce a joint industry day.

Date: 13. April 2016

Time: 9:30 to 17:30

Venue: Fraunhofer IML, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4, 44227 Dortmund, Germany

Topics:  – Mobile robots and drone technology in two practical use cases: logistics and disaster response

The program will consist of keynote speeches, overview presentations of the projects, practical demonstrations, panel session and time for discussion.

During the Industry Day we show recent project achievements in a variety of live demonstrations and presentations. This day provides an excellent opportunity to discuss (near) future developments and applications with relevant stakeholders.

Please go to the following websites for more information:

TRADR develops technology for human-robot teams to assist in disaster response efforts over multiple missions.

InventAIRy: “automatic indoor inventory in a (high-bay) warehouse by drones”

Please save the date and circulate this announcement to your colleagues and networks.

We’ll send more details soon.

We thank you for your interest and look forward to welcoming you on April 13th.
TRADR & InventAIRy


TRADR ITEX workshop 2015 at TU Delft, NL

15 December, 2015 Posted by tradr_admin

On Tuesday 15th – Thursday 17th of December 2015 the TRADR ITEX workshop took place at the TU in Delft.
Partners and end-users met to test parts of the integrated system and have discussions about the following topics:
– Improvement and speed-up of the system integration
– End-user experiences with current components
– Usage of scenario simulators
– TDS (TRADR display system) progress and end-user visions



Symposium of CTIF at ISA 2015

9 December, 2015 Posted by tradr_admin



TRADR coordinator I. Kruijff-Korbayova gave and invited talk at the International Conference of CTIF  on December 9 2015 at the Italian Firebrigade Academy (Istituto Superiore Anticendi, ISA) in Rome. CTIF is an international professional firebrigade competency network, whose main goal is to share experiences and knowledge. Founded in 1999 it has members from 36 countries around the world. Its work is organized by committees which set up working groups on specific themes. The conference in Rome was convened by the committee on “Extrication and new technology” established in 2013. It was attended by representatives of firebrigades from many countries and also by safety expert from several car manufacturers, incl. Renault, Fiat Chrysler and Iveco. In her speech Dr. Kruijff-Korbayova presented the research topics, user-centric design methodology and main achievements of the EU projects NIFTi and TRADR DFKI.  The presentation was met with great interest of CTIF representatives and other participants, including the CTIF president Mr. Tore Eriksson and the chairman of the above mentioned CTIF committee Mr. Tom van Esbroeck. It was suggested that I. Kruijff-Korbayova be invited to join the Commission.